Friday, June 13, 2014

Address Sign

We live in the country, on a lane, off a dirt road.  We love it out here, the peace and quite, the stars at night, we fell in love with it as soon as we saw it.  Only downside, if you can call it that, is that the delivery people: UPS, FedEx, Pizza guys, all have a hard time finding it, we usually get a phone call asking for directions. GPS sometimes works for some, but for the most part they can't find us.  My family loves pizza and we order it on a regular basis, we needed something to help those poor guys!!

I saw a picture on Pinterest (love, love that site) it showed a welcome sign leading up a country road, and an idea was born...or stolen.....o.k., let's just say... borrowed.  So out I went, looking for the perfect piece and found this twin bed set for $20 at a garage sale late on a Saturday, as I was looking, the lady said, "I'll sell it to you for $10.00"...Sold!!   I only used the headboard for this project...the foot-board will be used in another project.

I forgot the before shot, but here it is all sanded down and ready to be painted.  My daughter helped with that detail as I got my Silhouette out to make the stencil for the wording.  Deciding on the font is my own worst enemy, so many to choose from and me who loves all of them.  Decisions, decisions...but two days later...shhh don't judge, I finally decided on the font.

Here is a before picture, the bushes died over the winter, so out they came.

Here is the finished look, well almost finished look.  I still want to add a few more plants and large boulder will be added to the right of it, but for now, I'm lovin it!!

Thank you for stopping by, come back again!!

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